Save India Day

Save India Day

See CITU’s article about Save India Day:

On 9th August, the day famous for the launch of the Quit India movement against a colonial power, the masses in India launched another campaign – Save India Day – to fight against a similarly oppressive government. Trade unions, farmers’ and agricultural workers’ organisations, student, youth and women’s organisations all participated in this protest through a joint platform. Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA) workers were a significant part of this protest.

The protest was against the privatisation of public wealth, anti-worker policies, and the government’s attempts to divide the people through communal politics.

AIITEU participated in this protest in three cities alongside the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU). In Kolkata, we demonstrated against layoffs, wage cuts and privatisation. We stood in solidarity with other workers’ demands. In Hyderabad, we demonstrated with placards at home using social media due to Covid-19 protocols. In Delhi, we participated in the huge demonstration at Jantar Mantar with other organisations.

IT employees and workers are starting to come together to resist exploitation. AIITEU will continue to represent IT employees’ and workers’ demands in all movements, and will continue to support progressive movements for workers’ rights in all sectors.